Once your WebQuests are complete, you will choose one topic from the list of three that you would like to research further for your installation in the exhibit. Each group should have 8-10 members, so if your first choice is already at capacity, please join another group. Here are your options:
1) Execution of the Holocuast- What are the stages? from persecution to death marches and liberation; knowing what happened to people/challenges/risks faced in each stage
2) Reasons people participated in, authorized/ accepted and justified the genocide- propaganda, Nazi racial hygiene, eugenics, etc.
3) Resistance efforts made- by Jewish and non-Jewish people, as well as operations within the SS to save lives
Once you are in groups, you can decide which subtopic each of you would like to cover. Remember, there is a ton of history and information here, so every group member must choose something different, however, I realize that some information will overlap seeing as it is all interrelated.
Each person is personally responsible for two components:
1) A Visual Display/Representation- this can be pictures of artifacts that support your topic, a video, a diorama, you can recreate artifacts out of any materials you can find, or any other ideas you may have
2) A Narrative- To accompany your visual display, you will need a narrative. This will let viewers know what your visual display is and how it relates to your topic. Be sure to include the following information so as to give viewers a robust understanding:
- Identify where this person/people, place, event, or artifact fits into the time line of the
- Identify any key people and their relationship to the place, event, or artifact
- Reasons, justifications/explanations given for participation in, and acceptance and
authorization of the event/place/artifact
- Identify the particular groups targeted/affected- if applicable to all, or unspecified, state so
You may also include any other information you feel is important and will add to the viewers understanding. You are encouraged to do more research on other websites in addition to the research done for your WebQuest. This narrative should be typed, doubled spaced, and in 12 point Times New Roman font.
As a group, you must:
Come up with a short narrative overview of your topic, and each group member must have a copy to turn in in addition to the individual narrative. This should be no more than half of a page, as your individual contributions are the parts that give detailed information, this is more of an introduction to what each person will be sharing.
Once projects are done, each group will have the chance to debut their exhibit with the class by presenting their group narrative, followed by each members visual display and individual narrative. Groups can present in whatever order they see fit, as long as it flows well -chronological, small to big, etc.
Be creative and have fun, but keep in mind that this subject deals with great loss, devastation, and emotion. We must be thoughtful and respectful in our representations and narratives. If you are unsure of how something sounds, or have concerns about how it is portrayed, ask someone for their perspective on it- peers can be very helpful, but you are welcome to ask me too.